Alles Flex? (All Flex?)

In the 4 episode web-documentary “The Future of Work” Abel Heijkamp (NL) and Julij Borštnik (SI) research the consequences of the ongoing precarisation of work and living in the Netherlands, Slovenia, Germany and Europe. In Episode 1 “Alles Flex?” (All Flex?) they are in the Netherlands to investigate: What kind of society do we get if both work and housing are flexibilised?

If new housing legislation (Wet doorstroming huurmarkt and Wet jongerencontracten ) will come in place, soon the Netherlands will have 2 and 5 year rental contracts boosting a wave of housing insecurity. With an ever shrinking public housing stock. A new precarious class in both work and housing is born.

As Dutch Housing Minister Stef Blok states: “Work is already flexbile and dynamic, the housing market should follow accordingly”. How does a growing group of flexible workers that are also mobile tenants deal with double insecurity? Trough stories of different flex workers and people living with little renting protection we witness a gradual change towards a new model of society.

The documentary Alles Flex? (All Flex?) connects major macro developments in economy, work and housing with the micro realities of people living in it. Thus offering an unique inside into the new reality. “Alles Flex?” focuses on the broader question. What society do we get if both work and housing are flexibilised?

Flexible workers earn on average 35% less, have fewer social rights, often experience underemployement and income insecurity is widespread amongst them.

With the introduction of Campus-contracts in 2006, the legalisation of rightless anti-squat housing in 2010 the extension of the Vacancy Law to 5, 7, 10 years in 2013 and the recent proposal to flexibilise renting with 1 and 5 year contracts and new vacancy-law contracts for former social rental houses that are for sale, we experience an erosion of housing rights in order to create more flow out of the shrinking public/social housing sector. As Public Housing Corporation Stadgenoot says “Temporary is the new permanent”. Over 10 types of temporary contracts have been invented having one thing in common. No (re) housing rights for tenants and weaker renting protection in a market of scarcity.

Through the eyes of high and low educated, young and old, singles and families, we take a look at the flexibilisation of work and housing and put it in an actual and historic perspercitive. How does it affect family planning, communities, inequality, gentrification, renters and labour protection?

We went allover the Netherlands to discover: What are the limits of flexibility?

For more information or preview material, please contact us trough contact@thefutureofwork.eu or call Abel Heijkamp (00316-47686543)

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Duration: 75 Minutes

Carola Schouten – Politician ChristenUnie
Pim de Ruijter – Public Housing Corporation Stadgenoot
Hanneke Klumpes – Public Housing corporation Vestia
Roel Griffioen – Gentrification researcher
Carla Huisman – Sociologist
Alfred Kleinknecht – Economist
Merijn Oudenampsen – Sociologist and Political scientist

Ton Wilthagen – Professor of labour market studies

Mariette Patijn – FNV Trade Union.
Anneriek de Boer – Flex-renter

Khadija Ahfid- Flex-renter
Jos Hummelen – Flex-renter
Rochdale, Ad Hoc, Portaal, Heijmans One, and many more.